Original twists on classic gin cocktails, created to showcase Renais’ unique flavour profile in vibrant, contemporary serves
Poquette Roquette
The Poquette Roquette is a zesty and refreshing cocktail blending Renais Gin with white vermouth, agave, and lemon, adding a unique twist with a pinch of rocket (arugula) for an earthy kick. It's topped off with Cremant to introduce a sparkling finish. This drink combines sweetness, citrusy sharpness, and a hint of peppery rocket, making it a vibrant and intriguing choice for those looking to explore beyond classic cocktails.
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Around France, each region has their own version of a mid-dinner palette cleanser. Our favourite, the Trou Bourguignon is reminiscent of the infamous Scroppino in Italy so here we see a reimagining it with Sparkling Cremant and sharp, seasonal, blood orange sorbet as the Trou Nouveau.
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