Des interprétations uniques de cocktails classiques à base de gin, revisités pour mettre en valeur le profil de saveur distinctif de Renais à travers des créations modernes et raffinées.

Low & Light!
Low & Light Renais & Tonic
A lighter alternative classic cocktail made with Renais and Double Dutch skinny tonic water.
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Winter Treat
Renais Alexander
An oldy but a goody, the Gin Alexander predates its brandy cousin and of course tastes great with Renais. Honouring our main man monsieur Alexander Watson!
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Christmas Cocktail
Christmas in New York
A luxurious wintry riff on a gin sour rich in texture. This one will need lots of shaking to deliver that velvety foam.
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Festive Party
Winter Citrus Punch
A very quick, easy and delicious punch that you can store in the fridge prior to use. The citrus juices should be juiced fresh but in a pinch you can buy in clementine and grapefruit juice.
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